Category Archives: People

Is a company the sum of its parts ?

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It is interesting to hear people sometimes referring to their company as a person; the company did or said this, what my company has (or not) done for me, etc. But a company is not a person, it does not have self-awareness or own will, it is the individuals that make up an organization who are actually posing actions. Read more …

Top performer or simply engaged ?

Motivation 03

I was recently attending a business event and I was conversing with a gentleman who happened to be the head of human resources of his company, he was sharing with me that among his employees 15 percents were top performers.  I happened to have in mind the statistics by Gallup[1] of the level of  employees engagement worldwide (13 percents) and I was struck by how similar these two figures were … Read more …

Are your employees taking initiatives ?

my wayEmployees may sometimes follow their own ideas or instinct. It is good to have engaged, motivated and creative people to favour innovation and progress in the company but this may also induce a problem of cohesion and coherence by preventing a concerted and guided effort towards a common goal. When a concerted effort is necessary, uncoordinated initiatives is not appropriate.  Read more …

Do you trust your doctor ?

trust 01We all unfortunately need to visit a doctor from time to time when we do not feel well. He examines us, he makes a diagnosis and prescribes medications. It rarely comes to our mind to ask him what is the active ingredient of the medication he prescribed to us or if he did well at school during his medical studies. Because we are not doctors, medical matters are beyond our reach and consequently we trust him if we want to be treated and cured. Read more …

Employees roles and company culture

26Part of the efficiency of a company relies on the efficiency of its processes. Ideally, these processes  are defined by identifying external actors (customers, providers, …) then by analysing the interaction between these actors and the company (business processes) and finally by defining how these interactions are managed and supported internally by the company (internal actors, processes and roles). Read more …

Too efficient ?

24Each company is functioning at its own pace, its own rhythm. If an employee has the required abilities for his assigned role but is functioning slower than the average, he is potentially in trouble because he will most probably not be able to adapt quickly enough or to simply deliver on time.

But when an employee is not fitting, it might well not be because he is too slow or not qualified Read more …

The shadow of the enterprise

16-50pcThe “shadow” [1] is a concept that has been introduced by Carl Gustav Jung, the father of analytical psychology. To put it simply it is not something negative, it is all that is unconscious in an individual and that drives a substantial part of his actions … This notion of “shadow” is also at work at the scale of the enterprise. Read more …

Gaps in processes ?

01No process is perfect. On one hand, because it always implies a part of human intervention even when highly automated and on the second hand because sooner or later unforeseen events will occur.
This implies that the set of predefined tasks and responsibilities (roles) of persons and systems supporting these processes is inevitably incomplete because handling unforeseen events is by definition unforeseen. So how are these “exceptions” handled? Read more …